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Webinar: Turning First Gifts into Forever Gifts: Mobilizing Legacy Giving to Deliver Fundraising Success Across Generations

Kimberley Blease (EVP, Strategic Solutions & Consultancy, Blakely)
Rachel Hunnybun (Director, Strategic Solutions, Blakely) 

Moving beyond short-term goals and focusing on long-term donor engagement—ultimately leading to legacy gifts—has become a critical priority for many charities. Blakely’s latest research on age, lifetime value and planned or legacy giving delves into the evolving motivations and needs of donors throughout their lives. We’ll explore how deepened commitments and sustained engagement can drive giving today while building the foundation for legacy gifts tomorrow.

Our cutting-edge research, enriched by insights from 50+ affinity surveys, performance analytics, and attitude studies conducted with American and Canadian donors through Leger Research, offers a unique perspective on the long-term benefits of investing in the right engagement strategies now. These strategies not only pave the way for future legacy giving but also boost donor commitment in the shorter term.

This session will not only highlight essential tactics for legacy fundraising but will also demonstrate how broader individual giving programs can leverage these insights to enhance engagement and secure greater impact now while building lifetime value.

Watch now to uncover new insights, innovative thinking, and exciting opportunities to enhance donor engagement and achieve long-term success by capitalizing on the strength of an annual and legacy program collaboration.

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