Team Members: Rachel Hunnybun

Are you making impact obvious?
In today's episode, Kimberley and Rachel dive into the importance of impact and trust with shocking new affinity research that begs the question, "are you making impact obvious?"

New Episode out now!
Who are they? How do we retain them? And the big question, will they continue to support?
Tune in now to see how you can continue to bridge COVID to cause.

The Big Questions Series: The Story of Retention.
The Mission Matters. This week we're focusing on loyalty and donor retention. It's an episode you won't want to miss!

What makes your donors tick?
Learn more about the Story of Donor Motivation on this week's episode of Plot Twist: The Big Questions Series.

Tune in weekly to our new video series where Kimberley and Rachel do a deep dive into the questions we're all asking as we turn the page to the philanthropy's next chapter.
As we continue to deal with the global COVID pandemic, our sector’s focus on recovery and growth opportunities continues to...
Throughout my career, one of the things that I’ve always been passionate about is taking learnings from the commercial sector’s...
Last year, I started working with Blakely remotely from the UK. As a Brit married to a Canadian, I’m acutely...