Services: Digital Marketing

group of children celebrating
The challenge In 2020, Cuso International approached Blakely to develop a segmentation strategy to help tailor communications to ensure that...
How do we ensure that our most generous donors, new or not, continue giving, and how and where can we see growth? We have the insights to help answer these and other key questions that charities have been asking in our latest research paper.
Does this sound familiar? We need to be flexible and creative, while taking control of our organization’s revenue by meeting...
Over the last two years, COVID-19 caused unprecedented levels of social, political and economic upheaval. It has marked a turning...
What are some of the trends we're seeing online? What does digital transformation mean for organizations? All this and more from Blakely's Director of Digital and Strategy.
At this time of year, it can be hard to think about anything other than what’s right in front of...
The challenge In 2017, the Ottawa Food Bank decided to launch its first integrated, year-end fundraising campaign to boost donations. ...
The challenge Families in the Waterloo Region go hungry every day. And the pandemic is making it worse. It’s also...
The challenge The Mustard Seed is a grassroots charity in Alberta and BC, caring for those experiencing homelessness and poverty....
The challenge In 2020 COVID-19 created a major economic crisis – but also a surge in digital fundraising for those...